Monday, January 30, 2012
Reason 115 Why I Love Being A Mom: Tippy Toes!
I have been wanting to show a picture of this for months! She's been doing this ever since she started standing but whenever I bring out the camera to take a picture she drops to the ground and crawls towards me to play with the contraption that mommie is playing with! So I finally out smarted her and put some baby snacks up on the sofa for her to grab for. What impresses me is high up on her toes she gets (keep in mind this is my first experience around babies so I do not know what is normal :oP). She also has her daddy's high arches and apparently the potential to get to that pointe shoe point (sorry the pun) in ballet! :o)
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Reason 185 Why I Love Being A Mom: Love This Part
I know this is a weird body part to love but there's something about the nape of her neck that I love. I love how her wet hair falls down it. I love stroking it while I try to get her to sleep for naps and bed time. It's just a sweet part that exposes itself when she is playing with and/or figuring something new out. <3
Reason 56 Why I Love Being A Mom: Prune-y Feet
Bath time is pretty fun for us. She now has little farm animals she gets to play with! But what I love is the prune-y feet that follow the bath :o)
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Reason 96 Why I Love Being A Mom: Parental Wedding Song Works Wonders
I dont have an image for this one but as of late Zoey has loved being hummed to sleep. I've tried a variety of songs but the one that seems to help put her out is Matt and I's wedding song: When You Say Nothing At All. I will honestly try a few different songs and her eyes are wide open, but when I start up with WYSNAA she gets heavy eyelids and after about 7 repeats of the verse and chorus she's out. I just think it's so sweet that that is the song that works :o) Warms my heart.
Reason 80 Why I Love Being A Mom: Sign Language Mornings

My dad sent me some dvds on how to teach your child sign language after witnessing an amazing interaction of a mom and her child communicating at a young age. So I have been trying to do this in the mornings with her between my legs and the two of us watching. This morning though I thought if we sat next to one another so she could see me do the signs also itd be good. Nope. As soon as the dvd started she crawled over and plopped herself in my lap and reclined into me. Then Mollie plopped herself in Zoeys lap! (out of picture is Frenzie next to me). I love these moments we have and they really help us have a better day with less fussiness! Needless to say i love mornings like this!
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Monday, January 9, 2012
Reason 29 Why I Love Being A Mom: Baby "Nuzzles"
Lately I think my daughter has been picking up on how the kitties nuzzle their way into cuddling with me. She comes up to me and buries her head into me, collapses on the ground, and then rolls over. Or she just rests her head on me, or the sofa next to me, and looks up at me with those big blue eyes and smiles. Oh I love it, I love both. When she does it while I'm laying near her we get into tickle fights; I always win :oD
She's even learned to nuzzle the kitties, and they (especially Mollie) have been SO patient with her, I'm completely impressed.
She's so much fun now, I can only imagine how wonderful it's going to continue getting!
Reason 229 Why I Love Being A Mom: Clapping!
She's actually been clapping for about a month now but believe I forgot to post about this little milestone! Her and her daddy were having a little clapping fest yesterday and for some odd reason she had to chew on her legwarmer at the same time. Needless to say it was adorable and I love all the cute clapping since it always comes with smiles :o)
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Reason 83 Why I Love Being A Mom: High Fives
With all the clapping she's been doing it was only natural she'd love the sound a high five makes also! And she gets the biggest kick out of the fact that it's not just her making the noise. I love her and the smile that always follows!
Reason 269 Why I Love Being A Mom: Bulldog Faces
Zoey has definitely been learning about her face. Along with the crinkle nose face has come this bulldog face. She juts her lower jaw forward and gets that look in her eye. Oh, it's so cute. I'm thinking she sees the faces we make at her to get her to smile and is trying to mimic them. She's just so amazing and impresses me more and more everyday. Completely in awe of her.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Reason 313 Why I Love Being A Mom: Sleepy Hums
No picture for this post :oP but lately Ive been concerned about how Im going to put Z to sleep when she stops nursing (that's our current method). Ive noticed people singing her to sleep but she always perks up when she hears my voice so that doesnt work well for me. In the middle of the night one night I was able to just hum her back to a nice deep sleep. That was a big sigh of relief for me. And being able to do that a couple more times since has been wonderful!
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Thursday, January 5, 2012
Reason 362 Why I Love Being A Mom: Daddy Feeding Time
There are some days when I ask my husband to feed Zoey so that I can finish cleaning up around the house. Well this was one of those days and when the hubby takes over this is the resulting new mess I get to clean up. But how can you be upset when he's helping out and the baby is smiling? This mess shows I'm blessed <3
Reason 10 Why I Love Being A Mom: Bratty Cries
Okie so babies crying usually break my heart. I would never neglect my poor child crying in pain to take pictures of her but when she cries because I took an object away that she really shouldnt be playing with (ie my phone, remote, keys) I cant help but giggle at the pouty faces she makes before the full on scream. Her daddy has fun scooping her up and being her hero while I smile at the adorableness of her bratty cry. Even when she's being a brat (which I only ever mean in the most loving way, not in a mean-spirited way) I have a hard time not whisking her away in my arms and dancing with her to calm her down.
Reason 121 Why I Love Being A Mom: My Printer Helper
My little girl is starting to 'help' out with things she thinks mommie needs help with so when she saw me printing some images for a frame we got this Christmas, she had to be a part of the process! I love watching her hands 'working!'
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Reason 288 Why I Love Being A Mom: Ollie Octopus
For Christmas I found a rocker on a discount designer website for pretty cheap. And they had one called Ollie Octopus! My dad's name is Ollie which isn't that common of a name so it's fun when I find things named that! She just adores it! There are four songs it sings and it's uber soft and she figured out holding onto the handles very quick! I've even started a little game of sitting in front of her, rocking for her (she hasnt quite figured that out yet), and giving her kisses when she's rocked forward. She laughs and giggles and I love it!
Reason 172 Why I Love Being A Mom: First Time Swinging
Reason 295 Why I Love Being A Mom: Giving and Taking
Reason 155 Why I Love Being A Mom: Activity Table Time

I love this little toy. It's getting her more comfortable with standing and plays little jigs that just get stuck in your head all day. Now that she's standing more she forgets sometimes that she needs to hang onto something and lets go with both hands to grab for something that's being offered to her.
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Reason 240 Why I Love Being A Mom: Carrier Baby
Reason 34 Why I Love Being A Mom: Crinkle Nose Face

I know I've mentioned this reason in a couple other entries but it's so darn precious that it needs it's own reason #. She started doing this shortly before Christmas and I can already tell I'm going to have a ham of a daughter when it comes to taking pictures of her! And I LOVE it!! One of the most amazing things about being a mom is watching her personality changed and mold to her environment. There really are no words to describe it. <3

New Years Crinkle Face

Firegirl Crinkle Nose Face

Christmas Morning Crinkle Nose Face :o)
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