Saturday, October 29, 2011
Reason 151 Why I Love Being A Mom: First Time SItting In A Shopping Cart
Zoey finally got to sit in a shopping cart a few weeks ago. She loved it! Gave her a better look at everything. She especially loves it in her monkey hat with everyone walking by oogling over her :o) She even started helping pick things out!
Reason 270 Why I Love Being A Mom: Wallet Pro
The way she holds that wallet looks like she's a little too comfortable handling it.
It reminds me of a Jeff Dunham skit and how Zoey probably will be at that age :oP Well the end part, hopefully not the beginning. (And sorry about the poor quality video i linked to, only one that just has that skit and not more or less) :o)
Reason 149 Why I Love Being A Mom: 4th Toofus!
Reason 265 Why I Love Being A Mom: Climbing Beginnings
Not even a week into crawling and she decided she was bored with that and moving on to attempting to climb all over everything she can so she can get a better reach for things she knows she's not allowed to have :oP This is going to be so much fun! :oP She's like a cat, if she's quiet after being noisy I know she's gotten into something! hehe, too precious <3
Reason 22 Why I Love Being A Mom: Aspiring Drummer?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Reason 300 Why I Love Being A Mom: Pictures in the Park
This past weekend we hit up Cheekwood Botanical Gardens and Zoey got to experience the joys that this kind of park can evoke. Okay, well she's probably too young for that but we had an amazing time taking pictures to store the memories for her further down the road. She was an amazing sport in spite of not getting her morning and afternoon nap; well she fell asleep right as we turned on the road to the gardens.
When I edited this picture and saw the final result it reminded me of some shots I took with the iPhone app Hipstamatic (which is something I've tried to emulate!). I love the contrast of hard, sharp metal with the soft, squishiness of a sweet, little baby :o)
This glass bridge was beautiful so paired with my angel it's perfection :o)
*knock, knock*
Now this was an interesting sculpture. I really liked the juxtaposition of the metal, unnatural trees against the background of colorful, real trees.
They had two of these frames around the park (this was the area that reminded me of a park my mom took us to in Germany: Luisenpark in Mannheim). In order to muster out a smile from my exhausted little baby I had to bust out the Elmo. Well he was the perfect addition to our pictures :o)
My Elmo
Reason 180 Why I Love Being A Mom: Daddy Tickles
One thing Zoey loves is her daddy and the kisses and tickles he has to give her. And that means I get to see those beautiful smiles that always make my day complete. The hat also helps :oP
Reason 279 Why I Love Being A Mom: Old Toys
While searching for my husband's uniform in the garage I came across this box of baby stuff from my brother, sister and my childhood. The clock in the first picture my hubby said he had also! It was the start of getting my daughter to crawl also since she was so intrigued by it across the room :o)
This picture does show the toy that much but shes been having fun with this take apart truck and that string in front to pull it with. <3
Reason 30 Why I Love Being A Mom: Daddy Leg Hair Yanking
The other day after my husband had a horrible 12 Mile Ruckmarch and did an obstacle course with rope climbing he came home and put his feet up. Well Zoey knew just where to grab: the blisters and his leg hair. She yanked and scratched and just had a grand ol time torturing him. He handled it with a smile because she is just too precious!
Reason 92 Why I Love Being A Mom: Highchair Feet
When Zoey eats she moves her feet in the most adorable ways. I love watching them (and then tickling them!). She's so expressive with them! She has the cutest little feet and toes. And they are starting to be ticklish!!!! mwhahaha! :o)
Monday, October 17, 2011
Reason 200 Why i love Being A Mom: So Generous with Leaves
While out taking some autumn pictures Zoey found a few leaves and one of her reactions was to offer them to us! She's so sweet to want to share her new found goodies with us!
Reason 150 Why I Love Being A Mom: Monkey Hats!

I discovered Etsy. Yes that website turned out to be dangerous as this is not the only monkey hat she has now :oP

She seems pretty happy with it!

Haha, I love the first picture. Not so flattering but she was really trying to figure out what these new things hanging from her head :o) After looking at them and chewing on them for awhile she finally accepted the hat :o)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Reason 139 Why I Love Being A Mom: Kitty Kisses for Baby
I dont have a picture for this entry but while I was feeding Zoey Frenzie came up and cuddled against the Boppy. Zoey likes to stretch her arms behind her and she found Frenzie and was grabbing/petting her. This led to Frenzie giving her some kitty kisses! It was an adorable moment seeing as Zoey is still learning to be gentle with the kitties; it just showed me there is hope for them all getting along in the future :o)
Reason 290 Why I Love Being A Mom: Baby Jeans!
My mom was right, baby jeans are the cutest!!! She looks so adorable in them! ah I'm an addict!
(side note: both are 12 month size! eeek! might bypass carter's 9 month outfits next time cuz 6 or 12 would have worked just fine :oP)
Reason 57 Why I Love Being A Mom: Disney Bow Butt
When we went to Downtown Disney in Florida we had to pick something up for Zoey! Well we got her this little Minnie Mouse onesie with a bow on the butt. It was weird for me to see baby clothes with things printed on the butt because Juicy got such a bad rep with it but holy cow is it not cute on little babies?!?! I love this little outfit we got her :o)
A 'Reason' Break
This is a more personal entry that I have debated sharing. But I feel there have been moments the past 7 months that I'd like to explain as they were not the real me and I dont want anyone to get the wrong impression of me (though many may have been unaware since I try to only post happier things and save you all the frustrations I have encountered). Since having my darling Zoey I have had very severe mood swings and this intense negativity towards everything. I am generally an optimistic, positive person who tends to only see the good in people but lately I've been very negative about everything. After a horrible day, I finally put two and two together: postpartum depression? It's not so often that it gets in the way of me enjoying motherhood but there are sporadic days that have made me worry about who I am after Zoey. Now that I realize it's hormonal and not a new 'me' I tell myself when my thoughts go south that it's temporary hormonal-ness.
I am very blessed that I have understanding family and a few friends who have encountered me at my worst and not held it against me and realize that that is not the true me. I have an amazing husband who, while going through his own experiences after deployment, has been very patient with me. So I thank him, and you, for the patience you have shown me! I love being a mother and I try very hard to evoke a positive environment for my husband, my baby, and the rest of my family. This will not get in my way of enjoying life and all the blessings that have been passed my way. That picture above shows the reason I stay positive and happy; I do everything I can for them and their happiness <3
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Reason 189 Why I Love Being A Mom: Messy Eating Time
Okay, so maybe these pictures are a bit disgusting in terms of the food mess, but really when you're feeding a baby is it fun any other way?! especially when they reach for the bowl and get their hands all in the food and then grab their toys and everything in front of them spreading the mess everywhere. I've learned to get over the clean up process and thoroughly enjoy the immense amount of joy it gives her. And with a smile like that how can you be mad about any sort of mess?!?!
She's so happy in her high chair!
My hubby says she looks frightened her but I just see a beautiful inquisitive look. Those eyes, that nose, those lips! She is just pure beauty!
Reason 120 Why I Love Being A Mom: Drinking From A Glass
One morning when I was sleeping in I woke up to find my daughter getting apple juice from a glass! She seemed to get the hang of it quickly! She just completely amazes me.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Reason 192 Why I Love Being A Mom: Peek-A-Boo Fail
So Zoey was sitting in her Wonderbug and I was sitting on the ground next to her and decided to play Peek-A-Boo by bending over and hiding under the bug and popping back up! Well on the third attempt she apparently didnt like her momma disappearing and I saw the lower lip! Next thing I know she's having a major fit with two big tears falling down her face. So while it's no fun to see a crying baby, the reasoning behind it makes my heart melt. I love this child and the fact that she loves me! <3
Reason 310 Why I Love Being A Mom: Sitting Up Improvement
Zoey is getting good at this sitting up thing. I kinda forgot to practice with her so during her 6 month appointment when they asked if she was trying to sit up on her own I realized I needed to start letting her try! She still bobbles a bit but she is getting quite a bit better! I'm looking forward to going places this fall and getting some pictures of her with the changing leaves!
Reason 85 Why I Love Being A Mom: Nakie Diaper Changing Time!
I cannot keep Zoey on her back when I'm changing her diaper. She rolls on her belly and get's on her hands and knees (her latest trick) and rocks and smiles. She loves the freedom! It's too adorable. I love diaper changing time cuz you typically get the best smiles at that time!
Reason 230 Why I Love Being A Mom: Up On All Fours!
Zoey started doing this about a month ago and, like in the picture, she started by going against something behind her and using that to help her get up. With this new found trick she's figured out how to crawl backwards! Now to work on forward crawling :oP
And these three pics were taken this morning showing she's doing well without something behind her to help her up!
Having fun!
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