Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Reason 266 Why i Love Being A Mom: Cute Crocheted Hats!
I discovered Etsy. I mean I knew it was there but I finally browsed with the dangerous key words "baby crocheted hats." And thus began my bank account's doom! This is one of the purchases :o) I was trying to be good and get gender neutral hats for, futher down the road, Zoey's siblings! Anyway we just got this one from Amber Michelle's shop! I cant wait to take more photos with it but for now this is what I have to share with you!
I've got serious mom brain and put it on backwards at first and didnt notice for a little longer than I care to admit to :oP
This smile just makes her daddy weak at the knees!
She's so beautiful, I cant believe I'm so lucky to be her mommy!
Reason 50 Why I Love Being A Mom: First Tooth!!!
I know it's hard to see and the image isnt fitting well in my blog but it's the best picture, that doesnt involve a screaming child, of her tooth! I'm so excited (yet not at the same time due to the horror stories i've heard about feeding time! ouch!)! She has made some impressive leaps and bounds this week and I'm so amazed with her!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Reason 195 Why I Love Being A Mom: Literal Ankle Biter
Going in for more
Zoey decided the other night that she was going to take the name 'ankle biter' seriously. Now this would have been perfect if she was actually in her ankle biter onesie but this is still just as awesome!
Reason 35 Why I Love Being A Mom: Kitty Harmony

I was very unsure about my cats getting along with Zoey. They have been my needy little children for seven and five years. And while they are still getting used to this little creature I feel like there is some hope on them loving her! She isn't the sweetest when 'petting/ripping out their hair' but I'm trying to work with her on being gentle with them! For now I will take these amazingly sweet moments as they come!
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Reason 170 Why I Love Being A Mom: Baby Feet
I love watching Zoey's feet when she's on the ground. I'd say she's deliberate with her foot placement but at the speed she moves them I can't definitively say that for sure :oP But in any case her foot ballet is so beautiful to watch. I love the lower right picture with her right leg pointed and both legs look like she's doing a pas de chat! Her toe movements really emphasize the beauty in her little foot ballet!Ah! J'adore!
Reason 254 Why I Love Being A Mom: Crawling On The Horizon!

Im so constantly amazed with her development! Just today she started lifting her hips to assume the crawling position! So amazing. Since her daddy has been home hes seen so much growth in her and im so grateful for that! She is an absolute miracle And the greatest gift in the world!
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Friday, August 26, 2011
Reason 210 Why I Love Being A Mom: Nature Time!
Today we went for the first time out walking in some of the woods around this area so I could get some pictures. Well I've seen just about everything about the two parks we went so I wasn't satisfied unless it was a picture with my beautiful girl! But in spite of the lack of nature-inspiration I had a wonderful time walking with my hubby and daughter for a little bit and getting out of our apartment.
Blub blub
Fun day with mommy and daddy!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Reason 236 Why I Love Being A Mom: Ooooo Menu!
Okie so I know she isnt really reading the menu but watching her look over it was sweet nonetheless!
Reason 277 Why I Love Being A Mom: Lemon Initiation
My husband's side of the family sort of has this unwritten initiation for all the great grand babies: give 'em a lemon and video the reaction. Well joke was on us. She grabbed it and sucked on it like she was at the milk bar. I do have a video but I felt like posting the pictures I took after the initial tasting instead.
She figured out a great way to hold the lemon to maximize the flavor!
Still figuring out if she liked it or not, though with the amount of time she spent with both (yes both!) lemons I think it was rather agreeable!
Too adorable!
Her eyes are just gorgeous! I could be bias though :oP
Ah, the victims...
All smiles! (well until she realized she wasnt getting them back!) :oP
Friday, August 19, 2011
Reason 165 Why I Love Being A MOm: Fanning Breathing/Giggles
While taking pictures of my sweet child my husband tried a way of fanning her to get her to smile. We discovered those that the air movement made her breathe in when the cardboard went up. It was too cute so I got the video. Then she started to giggle. And then at about the 1:00 mark she did this funny blat sound, oh we just about died laughing at her adorable-ness :oP So I hope you enjoy the video!
Reason 153 Why I Love Being A Mom: Hero is Home
When my aunt got us this sign (and the flowers!) I knew I had to get a picture of Zoey with her Hero and first true love. So this is the image of one of the many wonderful moments of them together. She has definitely attached onto her daddy more so than I could have ever imagined and for that I am so blessed!
Side note: Thanks to Olive Juice Shoppe for another fabulous preset! Had to use this one because it's title is chai and i'm so obsessed with my chai lattes! :oP
Reason 199 Why I Love Being A Mom: 30 Years Apart
The top picture is of my husband 30 years ago (give or take a few months :oP) and the second is of our daughter. You can completely see the similarities between the two! My goal was to mimic the original (taken by the incredible Travis Massey) but not too much the same so it was still our own. Please enjoy this picture of our little angel and my husband! <3
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Reason 190 Why I Love Being A Mom: Spoon Feeding Practice

We've been practicing this on and off for about a month but I finally had my hubby to take pictures of us doing this! I even busted out the sound effects this time, now that was fun! Our first go at this was as to be expected: not pretty. But she quickly picked up on it! And though she pretty much has the hang of it it still isn't pretty and I don't expect it to be for quite a while :oP

Reason 235 Why I Love Being A Mom: Playing With Daddy Hands

Last night my hubby and I were enjoying a nice chill night as a family and my husband got on the ground and started playing with Zoey. She was completely entranced with his hands! It was just an adorable moment that I was able to witness. I am so very fortunate to have my family whole again <3

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Reason 21 Why I Love Being A Mom: Skydiving Practice
We've been giving Zoey a bit more tummy time. She's so precious. She will alternate between pushing up to straight arms then releasing and going into to skydiving mode! She will even move her body in a way like she's guiding herself down :oP Just a-dork-able!
Reason 82 Why I Love Being A Mom: Sraight Arm Tummy Time
Zoey has been pro at this pushing up to straight arms thing since her daddy got home. And while it may be a small feat but she's one step closer to crawling... much to my chagrin? :oP Regardless I love watching the little milestones of her development!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Reason 47 Why I Love Being A Mom: Daddy's Heart
Well my background is my hands around Zoey's feet in a heart shape, now that daddy is home here is his! Of course her feet got quite a bit bigger in the five months since he's seen her but I love what they made together!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Reason 78 Why I Love Being A Mom: Holding Onto Great-Gram's Finger

While visiting my husband's gram, Zoey (now in her grabbing phase) grabbed onto her great-gram's pinky! I felt the moment was so precious and am so grateful the two are able to know one another. Gram cannot take her eyes off of Zoey when she's in the room, much like her daddy; so in love!
Reason 252 Why I Love Being A Mom: Discovering Her Hands!

Zoey is slowing discovering everything around her, or at least really letting her surroundings set in. It's so beautiful to see her really look at something and analyze it! Here I noticed her really watching the movement her fingers were making! Ah, I know I say it almost every time but I love this child and how she has completely enriched my life beyond what words can ever express!
Reason 100 Why I Love Being A Mom: Decorating

Well this is shocking huh? A non-Zoey pic as one of my reasons! My sister texted me an image of her new coat hook (not pictured) and since it was green she gave her blessing for me to get one too! Well Pier 1 has this genius website where you can order the item but only can pick up in store, hence you have ot go in an be tempted to buy so much more since you're already getting something! So I ended up getting these two coat hooks and another one (used for my apron). I had no idea what I would do with them but they were pretty and I felt like spending a little money (and on sale!). My husband's aunt has stocked us up with bibs (which was a great investment!) and finally a light bulb turned on in my head! So here are a couple shots of my, what I like to call genius, idea! :oP
(Presets on images are from, amazing presets for streamlined processing!)
Friday, August 12, 2011
Reason 75 Why I Love Being A Mom: Spit Bubbles

I wanted to take a beautiful pic of my daughter asleep on my lap and when i check the pic i notice this spit bubble! Love it! Shes been doing this since day one and this isnt even the best pic of all she can do with her spit, ha! But regardless of the bubble she is so absolutely gorgeous, just dont know how i got to be so lucky and blessed to have her in my life :o)
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Reason 249 Why I Love Being A Mom: First Spit-Up on Daddy!

Daddy was spending time consoling his screaming child by placing her on his chest and making faces at her. She repaid this kind gesture by her father by vomiting on him! Ah he's been christened! And maybe it was cruel that i laughed and grabbed the camera instead of helping the poor guy out but it was more fun this way!

And Zoey just thought it all was hilarious!
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Reason 161 Why I Love Being A Mom: Discovering Daddy

These photos were taken the day after her daddy came home (well really the day of since he arrived after 1am). The first meeting after he got home was a bit traumatic with the heat, hunger, and exhaustion she was suffering from. But these shots just show how much she is absolutely in love with her daddy! And the first morning we all woke up together as a family she was grabbing his face, like one of the pics above, checking him out; I think he passed ;o)
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