Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Reason 277 Why I Love Being A Mom: Lemon Initiation

My husband's side of the family sort of has this unwritten initiation for all the great grand babies: give 'em a lemon and video the reaction. Well joke was on us. She grabbed it and sucked on it like she was at the milk bar. I do have a video but I felt like posting the pictures I took after the initial tasting instead.

She figured out a great way to hold the lemon to maximize the flavor!

Still figuring out if she liked it or not, though with the amount of time she spent with both (yes both!) lemons I think it was rather agreeable!

Too adorable!

Her eyes are just gorgeous! I could be bias though :oP

Ah, the victims...

All smiles! (well until she realized she wasnt getting them back!) :oP

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