Two nights ago after a long walk my mom, sister and i emerged from the hot, humid evening air with Zoey and thought it was the perfect time for a baby bath. Since I was at my moms house we decided to wash her in mom's sink. Now normally this goes very well, and not to say it didn't this time, but it was a bit different. Zoey is getting huge! Almost so big she doesn't fit in that sink anymore! And she has some strong legs, so she decided to kick the water and upon seeing the big splash that followed when she did that she kept on doing it! It was just too precious! I love watching her grow physically, observantly, and mentally (which are actually all additional separate reasons i must list as well!)!
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Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Reason 27 Why I Love Being A Mom: Disdain For the Pacifier
Since I was breastfeeding and didnt want her picking up bad habits, I didnt let her try a pacifier until she was about a month old. Needless to say, she wont be picking up any bad habits from the pacifier anytime soon! :oP
Reason 159 Why I Love Being A Mom: Baby Hiccups!
I dont think this really needs much explanation. Her hiccups are too precious and she did this a lot the first two months! I love my angel! This is from 5 or 6 days old <3
Reason 62 Why I Love Being A Mom: Smiles to Compliments
Zoey is absolutely adorable. If I tell her she's beautiful she smiles big! About halfway through this video she smiles big when I tell her she has the most beautiful smile! I love that smile. I love all her smiles really but this one is just adorable, and she's been doing it since about one and a half months old! It's hard to capture it on camera now since she's very aware of the camera now and doesnt like to smile as readily lately :oP But I caught this about about 2 months old <3
Reason 23 Why I Love Being A Mom: Pregnancy

I loved being pregnant, well at least most of the time :oP Seeing myself change to create something so perfect is something i would gladly do over again! It is almost a shame that men can't experience the magnificent feeling known as baby kicks and punches! From early on it felt like she had a little personality/attitude on her :o) but i will admit i never felt more beautiful in my life than those 9 months!
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Reason 81 Why I Love Being A Mom: Sharing Our Bed

Now i know doctors tell us new mom not to let baby sleep with us in our beds to reduce the potential for SIDS but from the get go i couldn't help but do it because that was the only way to get some good sleep since she would fall asleep after feeding and moving her would result in unslept hours :oP
I found this Article about sleeping after baby is born and it just helped me feel better about my decision to sleep with Zoey. She is such a joy to wake up next to and i love watching her sleep; shes so peaceful and sometimes snores! I know there is the potential for some difficult times ahead getting her to sleep in her own bed but when she's deep sleep i can get her to sleep in her crib so im not too worried about it for now. Right now i am just enjoying this time with my beautiful girl while we wait for her daddy to get home soon <3
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Reason 111 Why I Love Being A Mom: Breastfeeding
Now I'm not posting a pic for this entry because, well should be obvious :oP but from the get go I decided I'd breastfeeding my Zoey, and as more and more information about it reached me i became very happy with that decision. The nurse warned me that the first couple weeks would make me feel like i wanted to quit and she was right but i stuck it out. And am so glad I did! I love when she's really hungry she just latches on and makes the most adorable noises. Really gives me that feeling that i am providing for her in a way no one else can. And lately she's done this thing where she looks up at me and sees my smile, she can't help but smile back at me in the middle of her meal. And she will keep doing that! But there are moments when she is not the sweetest of feeders but it's all forgotten because i know she depends on me more than anyone right now <3
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Saturday, May 28, 2011
Reason 135 Why I Love Being A Mom: Mirror Smiles

After I change her diaper i stand in front of the mirror with her and smile and tell her to look at the most beautiful baby in the world! She looks up at me in the mirror, sees my smile, then smiles big and buries her head in my chest ever so coyly! We've been doing this for about a month now but when i tried to get a pic she just stared at the camera; she has become very aware of it and seems intrigued. Needless to say i finally got this shot but a bit blurred since she moves around a lot :o)
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Reason 72 Why I Love Being A Mom: Tongue Smiles
Reason 32 Why I Love Being A Mom: My Mother's Love

Im starting to understand how much my mother loves me now that i have my own daughter who i love more than anything. I appreciate the sacrifices she has taken and the worry she lives with as a parent. I love my mother for everything she is and has done for us and can only hope I'm half the mother she is!
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Friday, May 27, 2011
Reason 232 Why I Love Being A Mom: Her Eyes
Those eyes are the perfect example of how perfect of a combination Zoey is of my hubby and I. She has my color with his shape. I love them!
Reason 169 Why I Love Being A Mom: Fist Bump

Ah, the fist bump. Zoey has been doing this, holding her arm up in a fist, since she was about three weeks i would say, maybe even earlier. Her daddy as a baby liked to put his arms above his head in a superman pose and hold them there so i can only assume she got it from him :o)

(3 weeks)
We've turned this into a little game, per se. I tell her 'kiss the power ring' (oh lord what has my husband done to me!) and give it kisses and she gives me smiles! Fun for both of us! :o)
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Reason 7 Why I Love Being A Mom: Love Him More

My love for my husband intensified in a way I did not expect. Brad Paisley's song "Then" explains this phenomenon very well. I love him more everyday of my life but there was a huge boost when Zoey came into this world and how incredible he was with that process.
He could not be around for the majority of the pregnancy so he missed the classes and learning about the 'new' me. But in that delivery room he stepped up in a way I did not think he would. The picture perfect model husband for any wife who went through a very difficult labor. And for that i am eternally grateful.

I will always be there for him just like i know he will always be there for me, in spite of circumstances! I love him with all my heart and could not be more blessed to be his wife and mother to his child(ren someday). :o)
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Thursday, May 26, 2011
Reason 204 Why I Love Being A Mom: Clean Diaper Smiles
With Zoey you want to be the one to change her diaper because of the prize at the end, those smiles! She loves getting her diaper changed and will smile up a storm at least 8 out of 10 times when you change it! It's so precious and I cant get enough of those smiles!
Reason 143 Why I Love Being A Mom: Startling Farts!
Okay so I dont have a picture for this one but while feeding Zoey scared herself with her own fart, a man fart as her daddy would have called it! :oP Oh she will hate me if she ever sees this blog but she makes me laugh and so happy and i cannot imagine life without her now!
Reason 13 Why I Love Being A Mom: The Pout

That pout! I know it should make me scramble to make her happy, but sometimes she's a (what her daddy calls her) drama monkey that I just have to laugh at how precious she is! :o) The photo above was taken within the first 48 hours of her life by her Auntie Kate and below is one I took at about 2 months old :o) She is a pro with that lower lip, but when the baby tears come I am helpless and scrambling to do whatever I can to help her!

Reason 1 Why I Love Being A Mom: We Are A Family
Well if i start out with some random number as to why i love being a mom we will all be wondering what is the number 1 reason... So here it is (but after this my internal random reason number generator will kick in again and while reasons will be assigned a number that is not necessarily the order in which i rank my reasons) :oP

That, right there, is the number one reason I love being a mom... We are a family and my husband and I created the most beautiful being that words escape me when i try to describe her... She has added a whole new level to every emotion i feel, especially love... She is the perfect blend of my husband and I, attitude and looks, and i could not be more blessed to Embark on this incredible journey with him, her, and our families!
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That, right there, is the number one reason I love being a mom... We are a family and my husband and I created the most beautiful being that words escape me when i try to describe her... She has added a whole new level to every emotion i feel, especially love... She is the perfect blend of my husband and I, attitude and looks, and i could not be more blessed to Embark on this incredible journey with him, her, and our families!
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Reason 298 Why I Love Being A Mom: Consoling Cuddly Naps
Forgive the arbitrary number but i know if i put my mind to it i would be able to list at least that many reason if not more so we are going on a theme here with it :oP (this entry started out on my photography blog that i am revamping a bit but felt like such good theme that here i am creating a whole new blog!)
This afternoon, after the perfect day of baby, my angel was inconsolable... Fed her, changed her, burped her, put socks on her feet, bounced her, everything i could think of that would calm her down. So i set her in her crib to cry it out knowing she needed a nap and that didn't work... I picked her up again in the tree monkey position and bounced her as i paced our room... She fell asleep in my arms and since i wanted to sleep also i laid us down in my bed and kept her in my arms and we slept for two hours...

Waking up to the most beautiful face I've ever seen and having her in my arms, happy, for two hours is just something i cannot explain... I love this beautiful creation that is the perfect depiction of my husband and i's love for one another...she is truly the perfect blend of the two of us and i could be more blessed to be her mother and my husband's wife.
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This afternoon, after the perfect day of baby, my angel was inconsolable... Fed her, changed her, burped her, put socks on her feet, bounced her, everything i could think of that would calm her down. So i set her in her crib to cry it out knowing she needed a nap and that didn't work... I picked her up again in the tree monkey position and bounced her as i paced our room... She fell asleep in my arms and since i wanted to sleep also i laid us down in my bed and kept her in my arms and we slept for two hours...

Waking up to the most beautiful face I've ever seen and having her in my arms, happy, for two hours is just something i cannot explain... I love this beautiful creation that is the perfect depiction of my husband and i's love for one another...she is truly the perfect blend of the two of us and i could be more blessed to be her mother and my husband's wife.
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