Sunday, June 12, 2011

Reason 95 Why I Love Being A Mom: My Elphie Bug and Zoey

I love my car, and I loved the idea of Zoey growing up with a car that always turns kids' heads and occasionally brings on a punch to some poor unsuspecting fool (it's punch buggy isotope green for the record!) :oP But as much as I love this car I have to let it go. And so far this entry doesn't appear to be a 'reason why' but Zoey does make the bug more fun in my last few days with her and gives me the perfect reason to transition and let go of her. I love the changes this little angel (Zoey, not Elphie my car :oP) has brought into my life and happily give up anything for her. So in preparation for Elphie's departure my mom has helped take a couple pictures so we can show Zoey later in life that she was cool in an isotope green beetle for the first few months of her life <3


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