Friday, March 16, 2012

Reason 160 Why I Love Being A Mom: Daddy Spoiling

My husband has group projects to do this whole time he's in the career course so when he goes out to meet up with them he usually stops by Walmart or Target. Needless to say he usually comes home with a little something for Z (and sometimes some pretty flowers for me! But that's besides the point :oP). Anyway he came home the other night with all these goods for Zoey and when I looked at him and smiled (with a possible holy cow in there) he just whiningly said "I can't help it!" (He has the best whine-talk ever!) I am thankful though that he now understands my inability to not leave a store without something for Zoey. I really didn't think it'd be this tough but now we have a closet (and grown out of tubs!) full of clothes and a living room FULL of toys (which I'm sure you can see in the background of most of my pictures :oP). Needless to say I love it. I think it's so sweet to watch his love for this little angel he helped create. She is one exceptionally blessed baby and I am one exceptionally blessed wifey. I don't take any of this for granted and I hope Zoey won't either when she learns the concept :o)

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